Personal Development
Public Speaker
Tony was a longtime student and certified instructor under Ted Wong. He’s had an extensive background in Martial arts with about 30 years of experience from the age of 16. He never studied a traditional martial art, which is probably why Jeet Kune Do was a good fit because he started with a blank slate. His first introduction to martial arts was a PKA kickboxing teacher, who taught him kickboxing for a few years. When he was in the military, he taught several students close combat and how to survive in real life street conditions, including close quarters fighting.

After leaving the military, he was very curious about Bruce Lee’s Jeet Kune Do, so he started to seek out some of Bruce Lee’s original students. He was very fortunate to meet and train with Jerry Poteet & Ted Wong. Then in January of 1993, he became part of Ted Wong’s core group of private students. In an attempt to keep JunFan Jeet Kune Do as pure as possible, Tony only teaches what he was taught by Ted & Jerry. Tony has taught everyone from amateurs to professional athletes and currently teaches how he was taught only in small very exclusive groups, along with seminars and workshops.

Tony has conducted over 200 live seminars and was also a guest judge on NBC’s “The Celebrity Apprentice” in 2011.
Tony is able to identify common road blocks that prevent people from achieving personal liberation of their mind, body and spirit so that they can actually acheive their full potential.
A proven system creates a predictable result!